Lee Cole and Gloria Gunn here!
Chat GPT has revolutionized our businesses and exploded our incomes! In this webinar-based coaching series, we want to show you exactly what we’ve been doing and how we’ve been doing it. We’re both working much less and making much more than before Chat GPT!
Right now, you’re looking at an amazing window of opportunity. You can either jump on board or get left behind. Your choice. We both hope you decide to jump on board and learn how to use Chat GPT in all aspects of building and running a digital business.
We’re going to have three webinars in this series, plus an office hours session where you can show up and ask us questions. In addition, you'll get invited to our AI-Assisted Business Facebook group. Membership in this group is well worth the price of everything else! The webinars and the office hours will all be recorded and put in your members are so you can refer to them later.
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