"Thanks to Reputation GPT, I've launched a profitable new business with zero prior experience, effortlessly attracting high-paying clients."

"Lazy Marketer’s Goldmine: Transform Local Business Reviews into Your Personal Cash Cow!

Zero Effort, Zero Experience, Zero Skills Required…Our Custom AI Assistants Do ALL the Heavy Lifting!

From the desks of Lee Cole and Gloria Gunn!

An Easy-to-Start, Simple-to-Run Business!

If you’re interested in an easy-to-start, simple-to-run business that requires zero previous training, zero skills, and zero extra investment, you’re in the right place! 

Here’s the deal… 

Local businesses all need more positive reviews. 

Positive reviews have a massive impact on a business’s bottom line. 

Doesn’t matter what kind of business, either! 

Could be an auto-detailing business, a dentist, a roofer, an accountant…all of these businesses need more reviews… 

Yet all businesses struggle when it comes to getting these great reviews.

Reviews Can Make...Or Break...A Business!

Whitespark is a company that builds tools and provides marketing services to local businesses. They "live and breathe" local search. 

According to Whitespark, 5 out of 8 of the top conversion factors in a Google Business Profile (Google My Business) listing have to do with online reviews. 

Specifically a local business's reviews needs to have...

High numerical ratings
Positive sentiment in the review
Quality native reviews
Have high-quality recent reviews
And, have the business owner (or manager) respond to reviews

The Search Engine Review Journal Echoes This!

Unfortunately, Getting Good Reviews For Business Clients Is Difficult...

(Until Now, That Is!)

Your average local business owner spends all of their time just running the business. They have no time to chase customers/clients/patients to get reviews. 

Review software? 

That stuff has been around almost as long as I have (Lee). That stuff doesn't really work that well. 

The bottom line is this...if you had an automated way to get your clients more positive reviews, you'd make tons of money!

Well, guess what?

Keep reading this short sales letter because I'm going to reveal to you the first, proven, AI-driven way to get your clients positive reviews on autopilot!

If You Want a Business That...

Can grow big, fast
Is easy to set up
Something you can start and grow in your spare time
And that you can start with zero skills…

You’re in luck!

Using our AI-powered tools, anyone can get up and running in their new business in no time at all!

Your New Automated Business Can Be Up and Running In Just Two Easy Steps!

Step 1: Install our Reputation Scout Automated Assistant GPT into your ChatGPT account. It finds clients and lands them for you!

Step 2: Using our Review Requestor Automated Assistant GPT you build your clients' positive reviews...all on autopilot!

Watch How Simple Our Custom AI Tools Make This!

 This is a COMPLETE SYSTEM--Get this today, and watch your dream business build itself!

Spend a few hours with our easy-to-follow training videos, and you'll set up a real business quicker and easier than you thought possible. 

If you start now and move fast, you could be up and running by the end of today, or surely by next weekend. No need for tweaking, coding, or any complicated steps. 

Just watch, learn, and launch. Give it a go!

Our Custom AI ChatGPT Assistants Do ALL the Work!

Our AI-powered tools will build your new review business for you. They find the right businesses for you to approach and create a bespoke report for you to send your potential clients. They will even email your client’s customers and encourage them to leave positive reviews.

This results in you landing clients with virtually no work yourself, and having our AI ChatGPT Assistants do all your fulfillment for you.

All you have to do is to sit back and watch the money roll in!

So Easy, You Can Watch Netflix While Your Business Grows!

With our AI tools, starting your new business is super easy! Our AI-powered tools find businesses for you, make special reports for potential clients, and even get customers to leave good reviews. 

This means you can get clients and complete jobs with almost no effort. Just set everything up, and then you can relax and watch your business grow beyond your wildest dreams.

Get Started, Today!

Earn big money easily: Follow our proven instructions
Quick setup, fast earnings: Make-money potential from day one
Easily grow your income: More money, less work
Get ahead with smart tools: Use AI to win and earn more easily
Start with zero skills: Make money online fast, perfect for beginners

Before diving into details, know that Gloria and I (Lee) have over 25 years of combined online money-making expertise in this industry!

I have15 years selling internet marketing services to local businesses
And 13 years creating and selling innovative, cutting-edge trainings for "laptop lifestyle" entrepreneurs and solopreneurs
Together, Gloria and I promise to share our proven expertise (over 25 combined years) in our new training to help you build that business you've always dreamed of

Want proof that we know what we're doing? Check this out...

My colleague, Gloria Gunn runs a mid-six figure marketing agency. Helping her local business clients get positive reviews has always been one of my main products that she sells. 

Hi, I'm Gloria Gunn!

In my own business, I've been helping clients differentiate themselves from their competitors for over a decade. Helping clients get positive reviews has always been one of our main focuses. Now, with AI powered bots (GPTs), getting clients positive reviews is brain-dead easy! 

If you're not helping your clients get positive reviews, you're missing out, big time! Especially when our proven GPT, AI-powered bot assistants do virtually ALL the work for you! 

If You Can Copy and Paste, You Can Do This!

Boosting online reputations with Reputation GPT is incredibly straightforward using our two, proven GPTs (AI-bots that do all the work).

Positive reviews are so important to a business, your new reputation management service virtually sells itself. 

If you can follow super-simple instructions, you’re good to go! 

We provide all the tools so you can easily and effortlessly land clients for your Reputation Management services immediately. 

Our tested GPTs (AI-assisted bots) do virtually all the work for you. 

Follow our steps to launch your dream business today!

We Even Show You the Exact Best Business Types to Go After--And We Even Include 5,000, Fresh, "Virgin" Leads for You to Get Started With!

 You Get Up and Running In Just a Couple of Hours...FAST!

All it takes to get up and running is a couple of hours to go through our proven training. You can get your entire business set up in less than an hour.

Done our way, your review service will sell itself. 

No need for icky prospecting or cold calling. 

No need for high-pressure selling! 

So, Here's the Golden Opportunity! Are You Ready to Build Your Dream Business? If so,...

Transform Your Business with Our New Reputation GPT Training

Requires no tech expertise, no coding, no previous experience
No cold calling, no expensive direct mail, no endless hours of social media frustration
You can build this business in only minutes per day

Reputation GPT, our new training course and AI-powered bots (GPTs), makes it incredibly easy to earn money by helping businesses get great online reviews.

This requires zero prior skills or effort from you.

Our course includes two AI-bots that do all the heavy lifting: one finds the best businesses for you to target, and the other sends out review requests automatically to build your clients' positive reviews. It's a straightforward way to start a rapidly growing online business by helping local businesses with their most pressing marketing problem...positive reviews.

Zero effort, zero skills…AI does ALL the heavy lifting!

"Thanks to Reputation GPT, I've launched a profitable new business with zero prior experience, effortlessly attracting high-paying clients."

Unlock Your Future! Here's Everything You Get When You Purchase Today...You Get Instant Access!

We give you everything you need to build a real business, FAST, including...

Easy Peasy Google Business Boost: Learn how to boost any business on Google without needing to become an expert yourself. Our AI does the heavy lifting!
Smart Tools for Smart Work: You get two amazing tools, "Reputation Scout GPT" for detailed business reports and "Review Requestor GPT" for automating those all-important review requests.
Beginner-Friendly Setup: We guide you through every step to link up your new tools with Google's services like Drive, Sheets, and Gmail. Plus, we'll show you how to sell without previous sales experience.
Sales Made Simple: Hate selling? Our tools and strategies make it so easy, you'll wonder why you ever worried.
Daily Action Plan: We lay out exactly what you need to do every day to keep your new business moving forward.

Buy Today And Get Over $1000 In Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus #1
Access To Our New Facebook AI Marketing Group (A $564/Year Value)

Buy today and get access to our elite Facebook group full of take-charge, like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself. Our group focuses on building AI-powered businesses. Inside the group, you'll  get the support and community you need to build and scale a real business!

Bonus #2

Reputation GPT FAST TRACK--How to blast through your obstacles and get to profit...amazingly FAST! (A $495 Value!)

Want to hit the ground running and blast through any obstacles in your way? If so, our new webinar-based training, Client Magnets FAST TRACK, is for you. On this webinar, Gloria and Lee are going to show you how to take your new Client Magnets training and get up to speed within just a few hours. This is a FREE BONUS when you purchase Client Magnets GPT, Today! (LIMITED SEATING--GET THIS TODAY!)

Want to 2x, 3x, or Even 10x Your Results and Create Multiple Streams of Passive Income? 

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Buy today and get 15k more "virgin" leads to jump start your business with. These leads were just created by Gloria's business, and they've never been used. They're cleaned and vetted and ready for you to use to build your Reputation GPT business. 

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Purchase  Reputation GPT, Today!

We give you everything you need to build a real business, FAST, including...

Easy Peasy Google Business Boost: Learn how to boost any business on Google without needing to become an expert yourself. Our AI does the heavy lifting!
Smart Tools for Smart Work: You get two amazing tools, "Reputation Scout GPT" for detailed business reports and "Review Requestor GPT" for automating those all-important review requests.
Beginner-Friendly Setup: We guide you through every step to link up your new tools with Google's services like Drive, Sheets, and Gmail. Plus, we'll show you how to sell without previous sales experience.
Sales Made Simple: Hate selling? Our tools and strategies make it so easy, you'll wonder why you ever worried.
Daily Action Plan: We lay out exactly what you need to do every day to keep your new business moving forward.

Plus, you'll learn how to send reports to potential clients, set up your tools for success, and offer these game-changing services to local businesses.

Also, get 15k more leads to jump start your business with! 

On Sale Today for Only...

Of course, everything is 100% guaranteed for 7 days from the date of purchase. Just let us know in support that you want to refund, and we'll cheerfully refund you. Our support URL address is in the members' area and at the bottom of all our sales letters. (Scroll down, if you want to see it!) 

Still not sure? Check out our FAQ!

What is Reputation GPT?

Reputation GPT teaches you how to use AI tools to help businesses get more good online reviews. It shows you how to create reports for businesses and request reviews from customers using AI. You get everything you need, including our own special GPTs.

What services will I offer using the Reputation GPT system?

You'll offer services to improve business reputations online, specifically by generating reports on how businesses can enhance their Google Business Profiles and by automating review requests from customers.

I'm a complete beginner. Is this suitable for me?

Yes, we created Reputation GPT specifically to be newbie friendly. You need no previous skills with AI or writing to do this. It's easy. Just follow our simple instructions!

Do I need a website? 

While beneficial, a website is not essential for using the Reputation GPT system. The skills and strategies taught can be applied with or without a website. Having said that, we are developing a website for you, which we'll be able to showcase during the webinar that comes with this. 

Is this just for the US?

Reputation GPT is globally applicable. The strategies for creating and marketing books are universal and can be implemented anywhere.

What skills do I need?

Basic computer skills are all you need to start. The course provides comprehensive training on everything else. 

Do I need to spend any more money other than buying your course?

No further investments are required. T

Are there any otos?

There are two. The first is a GPT that does all your emailing for you. The second is all about further optimization you can do to a client's Google listing and get well paid for it!

How long does it typically take to see results with Reputation GPT?

Results vary, but many users begin to see the impact of their new marketing strategies soon after implementing the techniques from the course.

Is there support available if I have questions or face challenges?

Absolutely. We offer comprehensive support to help you navigate any challenges or questions that arise during the course.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Absolutely! We're confident in the value of Reputation GPT. If you're not satisfied, we offer a money-back guarantee. Just let us know within 7 days of purchase and we’ll cheerfully refund your money!

     Gloria and I are super excited about helping you build your dream business, today! Once you purchase, our members’ area will send you a login email. Just follow the simple instructions and log in. If you have any problems at all, we have excellent customer service! Use the support link, which is in the members’ area and also on WarriorPlus receipt. 


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