Make $500 to $2000 Per EZ Sale, Selling High-Quality Press Releases to Businesses--Especially Newbie Friendly—Our New Software Does All the Work!

Hi! I'm Lee Cole.
In 2010, I kissed my last job goodbye and launched a very successful business as a digital marketing consultant. A year later, I started teaching others how to do the same.
Since then, I’ve helped thousands of people learn how to make real money online, even if they have virtually no sales or technical skills.
Today, I’d like to show you how you can build an amazing business selling easy to sell press releases to local businesses.
Lee Cole is without question my top recommendation for practical training on the easiest ethical ways to make a really good living online.
Matthew Newnham
In this sales letter, I want to do three things...
- I want to convince you that you should be offering press releases to your clients, and ...
- I also want to convince you that press releases (unlike virtually all other Internet marketing services) are very easy to sell
- Finally, I want to invite you to check out my new training and brand new software, Press Release Riches.
I’ve sold press releases to businesses for over ten years. Press releases are easy to sell. Clients see more business because of my press releases. Their websites start ranking higher in the search results. And, I’ve even had clients win prestigious awards because of press releases.
Why Press Releases?

Press releases are the perfect product to sell to businesses. You can sell a press release as a foot-in-the-door product (the first thing you sell to a new client), or you can sell them as an upsell to other purchases.
You can sell press releases easily to past customers.
You can sell one press release to a business, or you can sell a series of press releases.
Business owners, managers, and decision-makers already understand what press releases are. They’re already convinced of their value. Talking to a business decision-maker about buying a press release is easy.
A Properly Written and Published Press Release Can Have a Huge Positive Effect on a Business!

A clearly written press release can have a huge effect on a business's bottom line. For instance, one press release can easily land an attorney several clients. Do you realize how much money an attorney makes from just one client on average? It varies from specialty to specialty, of course, but you’re looking at $10,000 on up.
Press releases aren’t just for attorneys. They’re for all types of businesses.
- The average lifetime value of a dental patient is $8,000
- The average lifetime value of a chiropractic patient is $3,000
- The average revenue per patient for elective plastic surgery is anywhere from $3,500 to $5,000, depending on exactly what’s done
- The average lifetime value of a new customer for a plumber is about $1,350
- Here’s one I bet you didn’t know. The average lifetime value of a new customer for an auto dealership is a whopping $175,000!
So, for these and other businesses, spending a few hundred bucks on a press release makes total sense.
Press Releases Are One of My Main Weapons For Small Business Marketing

In 2010, one of my first clients was a local real estate firm. Within a couple of months of our press releases going out, they won a very prestigious business award from the local Chamber of Commerce.
(I live in Atlanta, Georgia, a city of six million-plus people. This was a BIG deal and brought them a ton more sales and important business contacts.)
Needless to say, they continued with my press release service!
Press Releases Are Evergreen
Since press releases are published on the Internet, they’re evergreen. According to where you actually publish the press release, it can get seen by hundreds if not thousands of people.
Press releases last. If you choose the right subject for the press release, they don’t go out of date.
And press releases published on quality press release platforms create quality backlinks to your client’s website, thus aiding their rankings in a big way.
Lee, this is a complete business-in-a-box. You've left no stone unturned. Nothing is left out. It is definitely going to be the number 1 application I will be using when taking on new clients.
Peter Froud, Devon, UK
Press Releases Are Brain-Dead Easy to Sell
Here’s the “dirty little secret”!
Selling a press release, or even a monthly press release service, to an entrepreneur or local business is one of the simplest sales you’ll ever make!
- Unlike virtually everything else you’ve tried to sell, entrepreneurs and business owners actually already understand what a press release is. They understand the power of them. And, they want them…They just don’t have the time or skills to create them. (That’s where you come in!)
- One press release sells anywhere from $500 to $2000, including writing and publishing. This is the perfect price point for a first-time purchase for business owners.
- Press releases provide enormous value to the business. This makes it much easier for you to sell related products and services, and makes the idea of signing up for a monthly press release service very, very attractive.
- The sales process for pitching press releases to business owners is very simple. There’s nothing “salesy” about it! Beyond knowing how to get a press release written by a competent writer and where to publish the press release, there’s no skill involved. Contrast this to more complex, “cutting-edge” marketing services that all the gurus are touting like SEO, video marketing, and the like.
Selling a press release to a local business is likely to be one of the easiest ways you'll ever come across for making money with local business marketing.
Press Releases Lead Naturally to Other, Larger Sales

My clients have always been impressed with the impact of the press releases I sell them. That puts me in the perfect position to upsell them to other services.
I often upsell my press release clients into a quarterly or even monthly press release service. And, it’s really easy to upsell them into virtually all other recurring income services like SEO, video marketing, or social media marketing.
Every Business Can Benefit from Press Release Marketing
I just mentioned attorneys, chiropractors, dentists, plumbers, and auto dealers as businesses that can benefit greatly from press release marketing.
They’re not the only ones.
I’ve sold press releases to all kinds of businesses, small, medium, and large. Everything from real estate firms to engineering firms to restaurants. All of these businesses benefited greatly from the press release marketing I did (and do) for them.
It’s not just your standard “sticks and bricks” business that can benefit from a well-done press release marketing campaign.
Fiction and non-fiction authors can benefit greatly from press releases. So can public speakers, consultants, and coaches.
I’ve used press releases with all of these business types. The press releases that we’ve done for them have resulted in everything from more sales to more recognition in their industry.
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any business that couldn’t benefit from a well-written press release published on a quality press release platform.
Bottom Line: You Need to Be Selling Press Releases!

A lot of marketers don’t sell press releases because they don’t know how and they don’t feel qualified. Also, they think they have to be writers.
None of this is true!
Below, you’ll see my new training + software product called Press Release Riches. Everything you need to know is contained in the product. It’s even got my new software, Press Release Genie 2.0, that will write your clients’ press releases for you.
Selling press releases is easy—when you do it my way!
And, you do NOT have to be a writer to do it!
So, Here’s the Big Question…
Are you ready to add press release marketing to the types of products you sell?
Or, if you’re new to local business marketing, are you ready to learn how to build a huge business based on selling press releases?
After everything I’ve said about press releases, I hope the answer is yes.
Introducing Press Release Riches!

Press Release Riches is my new training + software product that shows you exactly how I sell press releases in my own business. It also includes our newest version of our amazing software, Press Release Genie 2.0.
Press Release Riches is entirely new. Three years ago, I created my first training + software product called Press Release Empire. A lot has changed about both how I market press releases to businesses and also a lot has changed with our software.
My new press release marketing strategy focuses on using press releases within a larger content marketing strategy. And, my new software is much easier to use and much more powerful than the first version. (Having said that, the first version was damn good. The second’s just tons better! 😊 )
In the rest of this sales letter, I want to talk about the training you’ll get and the software.
Let’s look at the training first.
The Training
A lot has changed in the three years since I created our first product, Press Release Empire.
This new training and software, Press Release Riches, is completely new and different!
Press releases are best used as a part of a larger content marketing strategy. Because of that, in our new training, we focus on the content marketing side of things.
The training is all video-based. There are nine modules.
Here’s exactly what you’ll learn from each of the nine modules.
- Module 1: Overview of my press release marketing system
- Module 2: The three types of press release I use with my own clients—I used to use just one type of press release, now I use three different types
- Module 3: How to work with clients to create an excellent press release—I’ve got the client fulfillment part of selling press releases down to a science. Not only that but my software has been completely retooled so that you can use it for these three, proven types
- Module 4: Multimedia and press releases—There are a lot of new, exciting advances here!
- Module 5: Introduction to audio marketing and press releases—This is an exciting new frontier in content marketing
- Module 6: Top ways to get clients—Getting clients is easy, especially when you do it my way. In this module, I’m going to show you everything you need to know to build a great business, fast!
- Module 7: Post production for press releases—In this module, you’re going to learn how to take your press release from good to GREAT and WOW your client!
- Module 8: Publishing the press release—I’m going to show you all my favorite platforms and the ones to avoid. Where you publish the press release has as much to do with its success as how well it’s written!
- Module 9: In this module, I talk more about where and how to publish your press release for maximum impact!
Once you go through this training, you're going to be an expert in press release marketing for local businesses (and really for businesses of all sizes).
I've poured everything I know about press release marketing into this training. That's a decade of experience in using press releases for business marketing.
My nine module course is worth the price I'm asking for this whole thing. But you get so much more than that.
In addition to the course, you're going to get my completely retooled and upgraded software, Press Release Genie 2.0.
Let's talk about that next!
The Software, Press Release Genie 2.0
My new software, Press Release Genie 2.0, is a massive upgrade over my first version, Press Release Genie 1.0. (I’ll list the changes in the FAQ’s below.)
You don’t have to worry about being a press release expert. My software takes care of all of that! I’ve been writing press releases for clients for over ten years now. I’ve got a ton of experience. My software will turn you into me!
The software is a WordPress plugin. It’s super easy to install and it will work easily with a Windows machine or a Mac. Also, if you want to skip the installation yourself, my team can install it for you for a very modest charge.
I’ll go over the requirements for the software below in the FAQ.
Before I do that, let me show you a video walk-through of how the software works!
Watch This Video to See Press Release Genie 2.0 In Action!
Press Release Genie 2.0 Does All This and More…
- Creates professional grade press releases using the three types of press release I write for clients
- Guides you in creating newsworthy topics with viral potential
- Manages your clients and their press releases
- Saves you at least $200 per press release in writing costs (actually quite a bit more in most cases)

Press Release Genie 2.0 is appropriate for use in both the UK and the US in terms of both spelling, wording, and tone. (In addition to Australia, New Zealand, and other English speaking countries.)
So Here's the Only Question Left...Do You, or Do You Not, Want to Create a Massive, Life Changing Business This Year?
If the answer is YES, then you'll want to buy Press Release Riches, today.
Remember, inside the training, you'll learn...
- Exactly how I sell press releases to businesses today
- Exactly how I fulfill the sale
- Exactly how I communicate with clients, giving them maximum value while spending minimum time
- The best way to get paid
- How to use my new Press Release Genie 2.0 software to create professional-grade press releases, even if you’re not a writer
- Exactly where to publish your clients’ press releases to get maximum value
- And, much, much more!...
Before I Reveal The Absurdly Inexpensive Price for All of This, Let's Talk BONUSES!

Selling for Non-Salespeople is a course that I've been wanting to teach for some time now. The single biggest reason people fail at local business marketing is they don't know how to sell and often they're scared of selling.
A few years ago, I developed a system for selling that works for people who describe themselves as "non-salespeople". Basically, it works for people who don't like selling.
As a bonus to purchasing Press Release Riches, today, I'm going to be teaching you this system on a FREE webinar replay. A $97 Value...

In addition, you're going to get the training from my best-selling course of three years ago, Press Release Empire.
The method I teach in Press Release Empire is just as valid today as it was three years ago. And, I know a lot of people reading this sales letter will have already bought Press Release Empire back when it was first sold and profited from it. If you haven't, though, I'm throwing it in as another valuable bonus! A $97 value...

In addition to all of this, you're also going to get the following five money-making, profit spewing bonuses! You're going to need to be careful with these. Your business will grow so fast you'll have to dig holes in the backyard to store all your money in.

Supercharge your press release business with these 100 press release strategies. This is a not to be missed bonus! A $47 Value...

YouTube marketing is a great upsell to follow your press release sales. Businesses benefit greatly, and done right, you can create a monthly revenue. Get this today for FREE! A $37 Value...

This fits right in with our press release product because it's all about content marketing. Get this guide today and start applying the concepts in it. Your clients will LOVE you for this! A $47 Value...

How would you like to add 20% or more to what you earn? Follow the tips and tricks in this report and you'll be doing that in no time. A $37 Value...

The Holy Grail of wealth is multiple streams of income. With this guide, you'll learn how to use Internet marketing strategies to achieve your goals. This is a $47 Value...
That's Over $400 Worth of Money-Making Bonuses! Yours FREE Today When You Purchase Press Release Riches!

My software alone should be $47 per month. (That's $1250 per year!). But don't worry! It's a one-time fee, and not nearly that much for the whole package! And, you're getting $400+ worth of very valuable bonuses!
So, I should be charging an arm and a leg for this...but I'm not!
You see, I know that's out of reach for a lot of folks...
So, for a limited time, I'm only asking a one-time payment of only...

This is a limited-time special offer. No refunds and/or rebuys allowed. If you don't think you want it, don't get it.
Let's Summarize!
You Get My New Training, Software, And Over $400 Of Money-Making Bonuses, Including My "Sales for Non-Salespeople" Webinar Training, The Training from Press Release Empire, And Five More Money-Making, Profit-Spewing Bonuses When You Purchase Press Release Riches Today!
In Addition, Everything Has A 7-Day, No Questions Asked Guarantee. We Shoulder ALL The Risk. Not You!
You've Got Nothing To Lose and Everything To Gain!
Get Press Release Riches, TODAY!
Still Can't Decide or Do You Have Questions? If So, Check Out The FAQ Below!
What is a press release and what can it really do for a local business?
A press release, sometimes called a news release, is an announcement that’s sent to news agencies, authority blogs, and other websites and platforms that announces important news about businesses and entrepreneurs.
Is this cloud based software?
No. You’ll host this on your own site. There are significant benefits with this. One is you’re not dependent on another site that may go down.
How long should it take for me to start seeing real money?
If you follow my training and actually implement what you’ve learned, you’ll get clients fast. (If you actually implement! If you do nothing, nothing will happen!)
Is your training and software just for the US?
No, press releases are a very effective marketing tool in any country.
What kind of software is Press Release Genie 2.0 And What's Required to Run It?
Press Release Genie is a WordPress plugin. You’ll need a domain and also a simple WordPress website to put this on. The installation process is super simple. Only takes about two minutes! (If you just don’t want to install this yourself, we can do it for you for a very reasonable price.)
Why do I need Press Release Genie? I can write myself, or hire a writer on Fiverr.
Writing a press release is kind of an art. If you know-how, go for it. You still need the training to learn how to make money. As far as hiring writers, why not pocket the money instead of spending it? More profit for you!
What skills do I need to make this work for me?
Nothing beyond a willingness to go through the training and apply it.