Launches Wednesday, July 28th, 11 AM Eastern--Ends Saturday, July 31st, Midnight
Join Us For Our New Launch...Pediatrician Profits!
From the desks of Lee Cole and Jeanne Kolenda,
Pediatrician Profits is our newest social posting training and DFY marketing product. You get everything you need to hit the ground running selling an easy-to-fulfill social posting service to pediatric practices. This is a fabulous niche! A lot of pediatric businesses are smaller, often with only one or two doctors. They’re in a very competitive industry. They're used to spending money on advertising, and they need help!
This is a complete "business-in-a-box." Buyers get everything they need to start an amazingly profitable social media posting service, including complete training on what to post, how to post, and how to get clients, along with all of the images and text-based content needed!
Introducing...Pediatrician Profits!

Your subscribers are going to love you for turning them on to this!
- You make up to $100+ commission per sale throughout the entire funnel
- Your subscriber makes $500 - $1000 per easy sale on an in demand service
- No real "selling" required
- Perfect for newbie marketers and experienced alike!
Subscribe To My "Zero Spam" JV List Here And Get All My Future Announcements!
We value your privacy and would never spam you
You must be on our list to be eligible for the contest. See details below.
The Product
Pediatrician Profits is both a training and DFY PLR product. The training shows buyers exactly how to build a massive business selling a social posting service to pediatric practices. This works worldwide! Buyers get everything they need, both training and content to post.
The Funnel
Front End: Pediatrician Profits
- Complete training in how to build a social posting business aimed at pediatric practices
- Complete DFY images and other content to post
- Lee's new Get Past the Gatekeeper training
$27 - $47
50% Commission To You!
OTO1: Pediatrician Profits Upgrade Package
- DFY PLR videos to use with Instagram and elsewhere, including psd's
$47 - $67
50% Commission To You!
OTO2: Pediatrician Profits Mega Package
- A year's worth of DFY newsletters, 120 more DFY graphic memes, and all 180 PSD files for everything!
$67 - $97
50% Commission To You!
The Contest
The contest begins when the product launches and runs until midnight of the last launch day, eastern time. Please see the dates above!
- First Place: $300
- Second Place: $100
- Third Place: $50
- Fourth Place: $25
- Fifth Place: $25
Winners will be announced on the following day using WarriorPlus's affiliate contest stats. Net revenue per affiliate must at least match the affiliate's prize amount, otherwise, affiliate will be paid at the next level down.
What Makes Pediatrician Profits So Special?
- You subscribers get everything they need to build a huge social posting business, FAST
- My products routinely have high EPC's and great customer satisfaction!
- My otos routinely have very high conversion rates, and this one will be no exception!
Subject: Your Local Business Marketing Problem Solved!
Just Launched--New, Complete Social Posting Training from Jeanne Kolenda and Lee Cole
Get This If You're Serious About Starting a Real Business, Today
If you're looking for a complete business with training and all the materials you need, look no further.
If you're looking for a business you can run part-time and make full-time money with, look no further!
If you're looking for a service that will sell itself to a hungry market, guess what? Yep, look no further!
Jeanne Kolenda and Lee Cole have just launched their new product, Pediatrician Profits. I got access to this earlier, and I must say...I'm blown away!
Pediatrician Profits is all about selling an easy-to-sell and much-needed social media posting services to small to medium-sized pediatric practices. (Works worldwide.)
The pediatrician business is very competitive. Pediatricians work long hours. They don’t have time to do even basic marketing for their business, much less something like social media posting. Not only that, but social media posting is perfect for these guys! Moms are the ones who decide what pediatrician their children see. And, where do moms hang out? Social media!
This is where you come in!
Jeanne Kolenda has been selling a social media posting service to pediatricians and related businesses for the past two and a half years. She makes between $200 to $300 per month per client doing so. Today, Jeanne’s teamed up with Lee Cole, who is a social media marketing expert, to put together the best training I've ever seen.
Together, they've created a course that anyone can follow and get started in, fast.
Not only do you get great training, but you also get all of the images and other assets you'll need for your posting.
Don't worry if you don't know anything about social media. Jeanne and Lee are going to teach you everything you need to know and give you everything you need.
This just launched, and it's currently at a low, launch price.
Get this today and start building that business of your dreams!
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Reach Out To US And Let Us Know How We Can Support You!

Lee Cole

Jeanne Kolenda