Welcome to Pajama Profits!

“BLOWN AWAY!... I contacted ten potential clients (took 5 minutes) the way Gloria said to. I’ve already got a client! Super Impressed!”

My Good Friend and Colleague, Gloria Gunn, Has Hacked Yet Another Online Platform--Upwork! She Now Spends Only 10 Minutes a Day Building and Running Her Six-Figure Empire. Her Entire Business Is Copy-And-Paste-Simple. Everything Is Templatized. Get Our New Training Today and Learn How Gloria’s Turned Upwork Into a Full-Time-Income, Part-Time-Work Money Machine!

Watch This Short Video!

Zero Skills Required! Zero Out of Pocket! Perfect for Newbies!

From the desk of Lee Cole

Over the past year, my good friend and colleague, Gloria Gunn, has developed a copy and paste system to get high-paying, quality, recurring-income clients. This system massively reduces her time spent on prospecting.

Today, Gloria and her team only spend 10 minutes per day, five days a week, prospecting for new business. Yet, she makes a cool mid-six figures from her business!

The entire system is copy and paste simple!

In this short sales letter, I want to tell you all about Gloria's new system. We're calling it Pajama Profits... Why? Because it takes so little time, you don't even have to get out of bed in the morning to do it.

Let's learn more about Pajama Profits! 

Welcome to Pajama Profits!

Pajama Profits is our new, never before taught, copy-and-paste system that shows you how to build a real marketing agency in only 10 minutes per day on a freelancing platform called Upwork.

All you need is 10 minutes a day, five days a week, to implement our system.

AI (artificial intelligent) software does all the fulfillment. Best of all, Gloria has templatized everything, including all client communications.

If you can spend 10 minutes a day, five days a week, you can build a real business, FAST!

What is Upwork?

Like Fiverr, Upwork is a freelancing platform that businesses of all sizes use for finding service providers. 

Upwork has over 5 million clients who buy services from vendors on the platform. 3 million jobs are posted every year on Upwork with over 1 billion US dollars changing hands. 

Upwork is the largest, most prestigious freelancing site in the world!

Gloria's Pajama Profits System Is the Perfect Business!

You can do this from anywhere in the world
NO previous skills or experience required
NO icky selling or cold calling
Never speak with a client if you don’t want to
Easy-to-use AI software does ALL the fulfillment for you
Clients pay upwards of $75 per order...only takes 5 minutes max to fulfill the order
You just need 10 minutes per day to build your business
It's easy to upsell at least 50% of your clients into 2x, 3x, even 5x the money!

You Can Do Pajama Profits From Anywhere In Less Than One Hour Per Week!

How would you like to have a virtually autopilot business where you never have to speak with anyone, ever? You never have to do any prospecting or selling. Where easy-to-use, super-inexpensive AI software does ALL the work for you? If so, you're in luck! 

Gloria's new Pajama Profits System is copy-and-paste-simple. It requires zero experience and no cash outlay. Once you start making money, you can hire inexpensive VAs to do all the work for you. (They do the work; you collect the cash!)

Pajama Profits is super easy to scale. With this system, the sky is the limit!

Do You Have Just 10 Minutes a Day to Build the Business of Your Dreams?

What will having a successful digital business do for you? Short of having a few million in the bank, having a digital marketing business up and running is FREEDOM! The FREEDOM of knowing that you can a dream…and you made it real!

With Gloria’s New AI and Template-Based Upwork System, You Can Build a Real Business Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible, Even If You’ve Never, Ever Made One Penny Online!

You don’t need a website
You don’t need previous experience
You don’t need any hard to acquire skills
You don’t need any upfront capital to invest

All you need is 10 minutes a day and the ability to copy and paste Gloria's proven templates. Do you have that?

What Are Your Money and Business Goals?

Do you want extra money?
Do you want to replace your income from your job?
Or…Do you want to make the kind of money that’s going to change your financial life, forever?

All of these goals are possible with Gloria’s new, never before taught system!

Gloria's New Upwork System Is the Quickest Route to a Real Online Income!

Imagine spending just a few hours going through our new training, and starting to implement Gloria's template-based, AI-powered system. 

Just doing that, you’ll already be well on your way to creating the business of your dreams! 

Are You Excited Yet?

Let me tell you a little more so you can understand how HUGE this opportunity to learn Gloria’s new system actually is!

Welcome to Pajama Profits!

Pajama Profits is our new training that shows you how to create a massive business using the Upwork platform, faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible, even if you’ve never made a dime online! Anyone can do this. Our training assumes nothing. This is completely newbie-friendly. You can start and run this business from anywhere in the world. We teach you everything you need to know to hit the ground running and start building that business of your dreams, today!

What Gloria Sells on Upwork!

Gloria sells content. Specifically, articles and blog posts. These sell for anywhere from $50 to $75 per article. AI software does ALL THE WRITING! (Yes, we train you on this inside our new training!) 

It takes the AI all of 3 minutes to write an article. Imagine making $50 to $75 in just 3 minutes. 

Prospecting (using her new system) takes only 10 minutes a day. 

Even with fulfillment, she spends less than an hour a day on her business!

Watch This Three-Minute Video and See How Quick and Easy It Is to Create Articles and Blog Posts Using AI!

(No Out of Pocket Costs!)

All Kinds of People Are Making A Killing on Upwork!

Why Upwork Instead of Fiverr?

Great question, but Gloria and I both think of it as Upwork AND Fiverr!

Fiverr is a passive platform. You post gigs (ads for services you provide) and people find you. 

Upwork is entirely different!

On Upwork, you apply for jobs that are posted by businesses that need marketing jobs done. If you apply the right way...using Gloria's templates...you're going to land a lot of clients, FAST!

Upwork Buyers are Different from Fiverr Buyers!

Fiverr is great and Gloria and I recommend you eventually use both platforms. There are some differences, though, between Fiverr buyers and Upwork buyers.

Upwork buyers tend to be higher-dollar buyers. They also tend to be looking for longer-term relationships with service providers (you). 

This is massively good news! Because this means you can easily create a stable, recurring income from Upwork...much faster than you probably can on Fiverr!

Don't Get Intimated! Gloria Has Your Back!

We don't want you to get intimidated by Upwork, though, and think that it's not for someone like you. 

Gloria has your back. 

She's templatized EVERYTHING you need to dominate Upwork and start making real sales, TODAY!

All you need to do is go through our new training and implement it. 

Gloria has made everything copy-and-paste-simple.

Get Pajama Profits, today, go through the training, and you can start building the business you've always wanted faster and easier than you ever thought possible, even if you've failed at everything else you've tried online. 

Can You Copy and Paste?

If you can copy and paste, you have the skills to build a business like Gloria's, FAST!

We've templatized everything. All you need to do is go through Gloria's newbie-friendly training and start implementing. All you do is copy and paste!

Once you start making sales, you'll use the inexpensive AI software we recommend to do all the article writing. 

Running a business like this only takes a couple hours a week. Do you have a couple hours a week to create your dream lifestyle business?

Get Pajama Profits, today, and start building the business of your dreams! 

We Give You Everything You Need!

Gloria’s complete Upwork course…totally newbie friendly!
Templates for everything, including…
Your optimized profile
Proposal and cover letter templates
Sample creator spreadsheet for the AI (you saw this in the video above!)
Job search cheat sheet
Gloria’s own daily workflow checklist

Three Simple Steps

Use our copy-and-paste templates to set everything up

Use Gloria's Proven Upwork Hacks to Find and Land Clients

Use the Easy-to-Use AI Software to Do All the Work!


Are You Ready for Pajama Profits?

Are you ready to build the business you've always dreamed of?

Are you ready for that easy-living, Pajama Profits, lifestyle?

If so, then good news!...

Gloria and I should be charging a lot of money for our training and DFY templates, but we're not...

Today, you can get all of Gloria's amazing training, including her copy-and-paste templates for only...

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Purchase, Pajama Profits, Today!

If you get our new, Pajama Profits, training and DFY resources, today, you get everything you need to build a real business, just like Gloria's, selling AI-written articles and blogs on Upwork for $50 to $75 each. (That's the low end, too!)

We give you everything you need, including complete, video-based training. We've templatized everything for you. 

Everything you need is here. All you have to do is go through our easy course and then copy and paste your way to a wildly successful business!

Want to 2x, 3x, or Even 10x Your Results? 

Want to massively increase your results on Upwork? Gloria just finished a new Masterclass for her elite students all about how to find and land the best, highest-paying clients on Upwork. This is completely NEW material. Stuff that's not covered in the course. 

If you purchase, today, we're going to throw in the replays from this Masterclass...for FREE!

With this information, you'll be able to 2x, 3x, or even 10x your results, faster and easier than you ever thought possible, even if you've never made one single dollar (pound, euro, yen) online!


Let’s list everything you get

Gloria’s complete Upwork course…totally newbie friendly!
Templates for everything, including…
Your optimized profile
Proposal and cover letter templates
Sample creator spreadsheet for the AI (you saw this in the video above!)
Job search cheat sheet
Gloria’s own daily workflow checklist

Also, Gloria's new Masterclass which she just did for her elite students. This is a $197 value for FREE!

Everything Is On Sale Today for Only...

Still not sure? Check out our FAQ!

What is Pajama Profits?

Pajama Profits is our new training that shows you how to create a massive business using the Upwork platform, faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible, even if you’ve never made a dime online! Anyone can do this. Our training assumes nothing. This is completely newbie-friendly. You can start and run this business from anywhere in the world. We teach you everything you need to know to hit the ground running and start building that business of your dreams, today!

What does Gloria sell using her proven system?

Through Upwork, Gloria sells articles and blog posts to corporations and influencers. Because AI writes the articles for her, she can "write" on any subject. 

Why do businesses need so much content?

The Internet is composed of content. Businesses need this content in order to stay at the top of the search rankings and also because it helps brand them with customers, clients, and (in the medical field) patients.

Can’t businesses write their own content?

Sure, they can also fix their own AC, change the oil in their cars, and do their own taxes. Obviously, I’m being silly with that answer. Real businesses don’t do everything themselves, they find service providers (like you) to buy from. 

I’m really new, can I do this?

Being new is actually a good thing. Just follow the training, and you should be fine!

Do I need a website or anything else?

No website, no social media pages, nothing like that. Gloria’s training assumes you start from zero!

Is this just for the US?

Not at all! There are over millions of businesses and individual entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and influencers worldwide who need content!

I hate writing! Can I still use the AI software?

That’s the beauty of using AI. The software does all that work for you, better than you can do it, too!

What if my native language isn’t English?

As long as you have some fluency, you’ll be fine. Also, the AI we recommend will write in several languages. 

What skills do I need?

None, other than a willingness to go through our training, copy and paste our templates, and work a few hours a week. 

Are there any otos?

Yes, there is just one. OTO 1 is how to use Upwork's new Projects platform. It's like Fiverr, and it will help you make a lot more money, passively. Also, it's on sale, today! Don't miss out!

     Gloria and I are super excited about helping you build your dream business, today! Once you purchase, our members’ area will send you a login email. Just follow the simple instructions and log in. If you have any problems at all, we have excellent customer service! Use the support link, which is in the members’ area and also on WarriorPlus receipt. 

This is a sale item. All sales are final!


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