Transform Your Marketing Game With Our New Training Course: Email Hero GPT!

Build Your Dream Business Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible With Our Proven Email Hero GPT Training and Strategies--We'll Show You How To Transform Simple Emails into Compelling Client Campaigns Using AI, No Previous Experience Necessary--Our New, FREE Platform Unlocks a Motherload of Easy AI-Powered Sales--AI Crafts the Campaigns, Clients Flock to You, Your Dream Business Flourishes!

When Gloria started using this new, FREE platform, her business exploded!

"Just when I thought digital marketing wasn't for me, I stumbled upon Email Hero GPT, thanks to Gloria and Lee. AI-powered email strategies were the breakthrough I needed. Now, I'm achieving levels of success and engagement with my marketing efforts that I had only dreamed of before. Landing clients is easier than ever!"

From the desk of Lee Cole!

Imagine a completely hands-off business that grows itself! A business where automated AI-powered email campaigns work around the clock building your business for you, even while you sleep!

Visualize your new business run by free AI tools and our new "secret" platform that does all the heavy lifting for you! (Your inbox will be brimming with new clients reaching out to you, begging you to help them with their business' email marketing!)

In our innovative training, Email Hero GPT, Gloria Gunn and I share our proven blueprint for harnessing the power of AI with email marketing to draw in clients and profits magically!

With our new training, you'll learn how to attract and secure monthly clients for your marketing services, faster and easier than you ever thought possible. 

The road to your dream business is now more accessible than ever, and it's all powered by FREE AI's and powerful, FREE "secret" platforms we've been using recently in our own businesses.

Are you ready to step into the future you deserve?

What would having a passive monthly income business do for your quality of life?

You could...

Work toward your dream of financial freedom
Pay off debt
Work when you want on your own terms
Live the digital laptop lifestyle
Fund a dream vacation
Pursue personal interests you never had the time or money to pursue
Save for retirement
Provide for your family's needs
Expand your skillset with valuable marketing and sales knowledge
Boost self-confidence through personal growth and accomplishment

This might sound too good to be true, but it's not! With our new training course, Email Hero GPT, you can easily and quickly business a passive monthly income helping local businesses manage their email marketing. 

The best part is, AI does all the work! 

Our "Copy-and-Paste-Easy" method requires...

No tech expertise, no coding, no previous experience
No cold calling, no expensive direct mail, no endless hours of social media frustration
You can build this business in only minutes per day
No one else is teaching how to use FREE platforms and AIs to create passive income managing your clients' email marketing!

Here's What Email Hero GPT Can Do For You!

Financial Independence: Email Hero GPT, empowers you with the skills you need to earn money online and create the financial independence you've been craving while working from anywhere
Confidence in Digital Marketing: You'll gain confidence in your ability to use digital marketing tools, reducing anxiety and uncertainty often associated with tackling new technologies
Increased Credibility: As you learn and apply effective digital marketing strategies, you'll establish yourself as a credible and sought-after expert in a high-demand field, enhancing your professional reputation
Empowerment to Help Others: With our new training, you get the satisfaction of helping non-internet businesses thrive in the digital world, making a positive impact in the business community
Personal Growth and Skill Development: Although easy to learn, there are significant new skills in our Email Hero GPT course. These AI-based skills are exactly what you need to expand your knowledge of today's digital marketing world
Community and Networking Opportunities: All our trainings offer access to our vibrant, AI-focused marketing community on Facebook. You'll be in a community of like-minded online entrepreneurs, getting the help and encouragement you need to make your business work beyond your wildest dreams
Stress Reduction: Our Email Hero GPT course makes it easy to learn the money-making, digital marketing skills you need for amazing success. We provide world-class instruction, step-by-step training, and cutting-edge strategies that work in today's AI-powered, digital business world. Our courses reduce the stress and overwhelm often associated with starting an online business

All of the Above Is Possible When You Learn How to Harness FREE, Revolutionary, AI Tools to Do All the Heavy Lifting for You!

Before diving into details, know that Gloria and I (Lee) have over 25 years of combined online money-making expertise in this industry!

I have15 years selling internet marketing services to local businesses
And 13 years creating and selling innovative, cutting-edge trainings for "laptop lifestyle" entrepreneurs and solopreneurs
Together, Gloria and I promise to share our proven expertise (over 25 combined years) in our new training to help you build that business you've always dreamed of

Want proof that we know what we're doing? Check this out...

My colleague, Gloria Gunn runs a mid-six figure marketing agency. When she started using AI-powered email marketing in her own business, both for herself and her clients, it was a game changer!

Hi, I'm Gloria Gunn!

When I first encountered the potential of AI in revolutionizing email marketing, it was a game-changer for me. The realization hit when I started using our new Email Hero GPT system to craft compelling, AI-driven email campaigns both for my own business and for my local business clients. 

It was transformative, seeing how effective and engaging these emails were, without needing deep technical expertise.

Within just a few weeks, I saw significant growth in engagement and conversion rates both in my own business and in my clients'. The ability to personalize and automate email campaigns through AI was not just efficient but also highly effective in driving sales and building lasting customer relationships.

And it didn't stop there. Utilizing Email Hero GPT's strategies, I quickly expanded my services, offering a comprehensive digital marketing package to my clients. The results? A substantial increase in my revenue streams, from direct email marketing services to consultancy and beyond.

In our new course, Email Hero GPT, Lee and I guide you through every step of learning our new, amazing, innovative passive-income process. You'll learn how to harness the power of AI for creating impactful email marketing campaigns and how to turn this skill into a profitable business.

Whether you're looking to boost your existing marketing services or start a new venture, our new training, Email Hero GPT, provides the tools and knowledge for success. 

With our training, the sky's the limit. You're equipped to launch the business of your dreams, powered by the latest in AI and digital marketing.

Want More Proof? Look At These Screenshot of Recent Results from Two of Gloria's Recent Email Campaigns...This Is for Cold Email! 

These Kind of Stats are Unheard Of!

Our System Is So Easy...Just Three Simple Steps to Passive Monthly Income!

Set up your FREE CRM platform. The CRM is your business hub, handling everything from keeping track of your prospects and clients to doing your emailing for you.
Use AI to craft your client-landing emails. We show you exactly how to do this with our new, proven method. With AI, it’s EASY! No skills required!
Land clients for your AI-powered email marketing service. We show you the easy way to sell this exact email management system to your clients. The best part is you get paid monthly per client!

You Can Reach Your Target Income with Just a Few Clients!

With our new Email Hero GPT system, it’s easy to reach your goals! 

We charge new clients a $500 setup fee, and $245 per month for maintenance. 

How many clients do you need to reach your target income goals? (Remember, this is passive, monthly income. Clients pay you month after month after month.) 

10 Clients will make $2450 per month on autopilot…right at $30k per year. 

20 Clients, $60k! 

30 Clients, $90k! 

Best of all, with our AI-powered email system, landing 10, 20, 30, or even 50 client or more is like shooting fish in a barrel. 

All you need to do is go through our proven training and implement! 

The sky is the limit!

You Need No Skills Needed Beyond Our Training!

You need no prior skills to implement our Email Hero GPT system right away! 

Because AI does virtually ALL the work, you don’t have to learn any difficult technical skills. 

Also, our proven email campaigns land clients for you. No cold calling, no expensive direct mail, no endless hours of social media frustration. 

Just follow our proven system and start building your dream business and income!

We Even Show You the Exact Best Business Types to Go After--And We Even Include 2,000, Fresh, "Virgin" Leads for You to Get Started With!

 You Get Up and Running In Just a Couple of Hours...FAST!

All it takes to get up and running is a couple of hours to go through our proven training. You can get your entire business set up in less than an hour. After that, FREE AI software and the new CRM platform we're using in our own businesses (it's FREE!) do all the work for you. 

You’ll be landing clients in no time…all paying you month after month for a service that is proven to grow their business.

So, Here's the Golden Opportunity! Are You Ready to Skyrocket Your Succes with Our New Comprehensive Marketing Trailing, Email Hero GPT?

Introducing Email Hero GPT!

Requires no tech expertise, no coding, no previous experience
No cold calling, no expensive direct mail, no endless hours of social media frustration
You can build this business in only minutes per day
No one else is teaching how to use AI generated videos to create traffic, leads, and sales for your business and your clients' businesses

Email Hero GPT is our new training course that equips you with cutting-edge, AI-powered skills to excel in email marketing for local businesses. 

Learn how to use our favorite, FREE, and super-powerful CRM and ChatGPT to craft amazingly successful email campaigns. 

Our new course includes practical lessons on email automation, using our favorite, FREE CRM effectively, and how to sell these services. Plus, you get useful tools like email templates and a guide to CRM setup. 

This training is perfect for beginners and experienced marketers alike.
Dive into Email Hero GPT and open up new avenues for easy revenue with AI and free CRM tools.

"Just when I thought digital marketing wasn't for me, I stumbled upon Email Hero GPT, thanks to Gloria and Lee. AI-powered email strategies were the breakthrough I needed. Now, I'm achieving levels of success and engagement with my marketing efforts that I had only dreamed of before. Landing clients is easier than ever!"

Unlock Your Future! Here's Everything You Get When You Purchase Today...You Get Instant Access!

We give you everything you need. Not just training, but all the templates, checklists, and easy to follow instructions you need to build a real business, FAST, including...

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course offers a detailed and structured approach to learning digital marketing, covering everything from basic setup to advanced strategies.
Practical Lessons on Our Favorite, FREE CRM and ChatGPT: Includes hands-on lessons on how to use our favorite FREE CRM and ChatGPT for creating and managing email campaigns, ensuring real-world applicability.
Step-by-Step Guides for Technical Setup: Our training provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using various digital marketing tools, making it accessible even for those with little technical background.
Content Creation Strategies Using AI: We focus on leveraging AI through ChatGPT to generate compelling email content, providing a cutting-edge approach to content marketing.
Client Acquisition and Marketing Techniques: Our course includes proven, cutting-edge strategies for attracting and retaining clients, particularly focusing on non-internet businesses transitioning to digital marketing. We even give you 12,000 fresh, "virgin" leads to get started with!
Outsourcing and Collaboration Guidance: We show you how to outsource technical tasks to platforms like Fiverr. This way you can spend your time where it counts... on the core aspects of your business.
Resources and Handouts: Our training comes with everything you need, including AI prompts, CRM implementation guides, marketing materials, and more, to support the learning process.
Real-World Application and Case Studies: You get informative real-world application and case studies, so you can see how we implement these new strategies in our own businesses.
Community Support and Networking: Our Facebook group, AI Assisted Online Business, gives you access to a community of learners and experts for networking, support, and collaboration opportunities. Everyone in this group is dedicated to learning how to use powerful AIs in their online businesses. 
Flexible Learning Modules: Our training is designed to cater to various learning paces and styles, allowing you to progress through the material at a comfortable rate.

Email Hero GPT is a COMPLETE SYSTEM--Get this today, and watch your dream business build itself!

If you can take a few hours and look at Gloria’s training videos, you can have a real business up and running faster and easier than you ever imagined possible. You can do this by the end of the day, if you hustle. Certainly by next weekend.

No tweaking, re-creating, coding, no nothing!

Go ahead! Try it! 

Buy Today And Get Over $1000 In Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus #1
Access To Our New Facebook AI Marketing Group (A $564/Year Value)

Buy today and get access to our elite Facebook group full of take-charge, like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself. Our group focuses on building AI-powered businesses. Inside the group, you'll  get the support and community you need to build and scale a real business!

Bonus #2

Email Hero GPT FAST TRACK--How to blast through your obstacles and get to profit...amazingly FAST! (A $495 Value!)

Want to hit the ground running and blast through any obstacles in your way? If so, our new webinar-based training, Email Hero FAST TRACK, is for you. On this webinar, Gloria and Lee are going to show you how to take your new Email Hero training and get up to speed within just a few hours. This is a FREE BONUS when you purchase Email Hero GPT, Today! (LIMITED SEATING--GET THIS TODAY!)

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Purchase  Email Hero GPT, Today!

We give you everything you need. Not just training, but all the templates, checklists, and easy to follow instructions you need to build a real business, FAST, including...

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course offers a detailed and structured approach to learning digital marketing, covering everything from basic setup to advanced strategies.
Practical Lessons on Our Favorite, FREE CRM and ChatGPT: Includes hands-on lessons on how to use our favorite FREE CRM and ChatGPT for creating and managing email campaigns, ensuring real-world applicability.
Step-by-Step Guides for Technical Setup: Our training provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using various digital marketing tools, making it accessible even for those with little technical background.
Content Creation Strategies Using AI: We focus on leveraging AI through ChatGPT to generate compelling email content, providing a cutting-edge approach to content marketing.
Client Acquisition and Marketing Techniques: Our course includes proven, cutting-edge strategies for attracting and retaining clients, particularly focusing on non-internet businesses transitioning to digital marketing. We even give you 12,000 fresh, "virgin" leads to get started with!
Outsourcing and Collaboration Guidance: We show you how to outsource technical tasks to platforms like Fiverr. This way you can spend your time where it counts... on the core aspects of your business.
Resources and Handouts: Our training comes with everything you need, including AI prompts, CRM implementation guides, marketing materials, and more, to support the learning process.
Real-World Application and Case Studies: You get informative real-world application and case studies, so you can see how we implement these new strategies in our own businesses.
Community Support and Networking: Our Facebook group, AI Assisted Online Business, gives you access to a community of learners and experts for networking, support, and collaboration opportunities. Everyone in this group is dedicated to learning how to use powerful AIs in their online businesses. 
Flexible Learning Modules: Our training is designed to cater to various learning paces and styles, allowing you to progress through the material at a comfortable rate.

On Sale Today for Only...

Of course, everything is 100% guaranteed for 7 days from the date of purchase. Just let us know in support that you want to refund, and we'll cheerfully refund you. Our support URL address is in the members' area and at the bottom of all our sales letters. (Scroll down, if you want to see it!) 

Still not sure? Check out our FAQ!

What is Email Hero GPT?

Email Hero GPT is a revolutionary training course that empowers you to master digital marketing for local businesses using AI and email strategies.

What services will I offer using the Email Hero GPT system?

Using the Email Hero GPT system, you'll offer comprehensive email marketing services, including campaign creation and management, leveraging AI for content and CRM tools.

I'm a complete beginner. Is this suitable for me?

Absolutely! Email Hero GPT is designed for beginners, providing easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to guide you through every aspect of digital email marketing.

Do I need a website? 

No website is needed to start; Email Hero GPT equips you with all the necessary tools and skills to launch your email marketing services effectively. 

Is this just for the US?

Not at all, Email Hero GPT is a globally applicable course, perfect for anyone looking to excel in digital marketing, regardless of their location.

What skills do I need?

No prior skills are required; Email Hero GPT will teach you everything from basic marketing principles to advanced AI-driven email campaign strategies.

Do I need to spend any more money other than buying your course?

After purchasing Email Hero GPT, no additional investment is necessary to implement the strategies and start your email marketing service.

Are there any otos?

Yes, we offer valuable one-time offers like Funnel Hero GPT and Content Amplifier GPT, to further enhance your digital marketing prowess.

OTO 1, Funnel Hero GPT, shows you how to create high-converting landing pages and irresistible lead magnets within the HubSpot CRM, using ChatGPT prompts.

OTO 2, Content Amplifyer GPT, shows you how to transform a single piece of content into multiple formats for distribution across various channels.

Each of these otos enhances what you learn in Email Hero GPT, but they are not necessary. Our "front end" offer, Email Hero GPT, is a complete system! 

How long does it typically take to see results with Email Hero GPT?

Results can vary, but many users start seeing the impact of their email marketing efforts within a few weeks of applying Email Hero GPT strategies.

Is there support available if I have questions or face challenges?

Yes, when you purchase from us, you’ll get invited into our Facebook group. This group is full of like-minded entrepreneurs and solopreneurs just like you. There’s all the help and inspiration you’ll ever need right there waiting for you!

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Absolutely! We're confident in the value of Email Hero GPT. If you're not satisfied, we offer a money-back guarantee. Just let us know within 7 days of purchase and we’ll cheerfully refund your money!

     Gloria and I are super excited about helping you build your dream business, today! Once you purchase, our members’ area will send you a login email. Just follow the simple instructions and log in. If you have any problems at all, we have excellent customer service! Use the support link, which is in the members’ area and also on WarriorPlus receipt. 


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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
