Welcome to ChatGPT Newsletter Profits!

My Good Friend, Gloria Gunn, Has Been Selling AI-Produced Custom Newsletters and Other Content to Businesses for Over Two Years. She Routinely Charges at least $495 to $1495 Per Client Per Month. Today, She’s Offering to Teach You How to Set Up Your Own ChatGPT-Based Newsletter Business Using Artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT To Do All the Work!

““Hey guys! This stuff really works. I’m making real money for the first time ever. Thank you so much for the training!”

From the desk of Lee Cole

Welcome to ChatGPT Newsletter Profits!

Stop what you’re doing right now, turn off all devices and distractions (and if you’re driving, pull off to the side of the road). 

If a real AI-run business is what you're looking for, you're in the right place. 

You’ve found the HOLY GRAIL of AI-driven passive income systems.


Selling Newsletters to Local and Online Businesses Is the Perfect Lifestyle Business!

My good friend, Gloria Gunn, makes BIG BUCKS selling newsletters to businesses! 

For over two years, Gloria’s used AI to create the content. (Her favorite platform is ChatGPT.) 

She charges anywhere from $495 to $1495 per month per client for her newsletters.(Sometimes more. See proof below!)

Newsletters Are The Perfect Passive Income Business

Gloria sells newsletters sell for at least $495 to $1495 per client per month
Clients love newsletters
Newsletters are super easy to create with AI
No real skills required (except for going through our training)
Newsletters sell themselves
Newsletters provide massive value to your customers
Newsletters are a great way for you to get clients for yourself, too

With AI, Creating a Newsletter for Business Clients Is Super-Easy!

My good friend, Gloria Gunn, makes BIG BUCKS selling newsletters to businesses! 

For over two years, Gloria’s used AI to create the content and also build her business for her. (Today, her favorite platform is ChatGPT.) 

She charges anywhere from $495 to $1495 per month per client for her newsletters. (Sometimes more. See proof below!)

This Is the Kind of Money Gloria Makes!

This is money Gloria has made recently from her AI-driven content marketing business. The big numbers you see...those are from newsletter sales.

(You'll notice that some of these numbers are quite a bit bigger than I quoted above. That's because Gloria has an established business. I quoted you the prices you should start with.)

Creating a Newsletter for Clients Is Super-Easy--Anyone Can Do This!

Our new training (see below) teaches you everything you need to use free and inexpensive AI platforms to create killer newsletters your clients will love. 

AI does all the writing. 

Formatting the newsletter is easy, too. We use inexpensive service providers on Fiverr to do this. 

Of course, you'll get paid by your new client before creating the newsletter or spending any money on formatting. 

With our method, you never come out of pocket! 

Why Newsletters?

Newsletters are the perfect marketing tool for virtually any business
Business owners and managers already understand and believe in newsletters
Newsletters build trust
Newsletters keep a business top-of-mind
People read newsletters, as opposed to promotional emails, which they often ignore
Newsletters brand businesses as leaders in their market area—Doesn’t matter how large the business is, either!

Gloria Sells Newsletters For At Least $495 to $1495 Per Month

We suggest you start with selling newsletters for $495 to $1495 per month. (How to figure that out is all in the training.) At that price, it's easy to sell businesses monthly subscriptions, or charge per year, anywhere from $5940 to $17,940 per year.

Over the past few years, Gloria has sold AI-written newsletters to clients in a variety of niches, making thousands upon thousands of dollars doing this.

Of course, AI does virtually all the work! 

Newsletters Are Very Easy to Sell

Newsletters sell themselves. 

Business decision-makers already understand and value newsletters are sales tools. 

It's easy to sell a business a yearly subscription for 12 monthly newsletters when you do it our way. (We teach you all of this in the training. See below!)

““Hey guys! This stuff really works. I’m making real money for the first time ever. Thank you so much for the training!””

Are You Ready to Build Your Own ChatGPT Newsletter Profits Business?

What would your life be like if you had a solid AI-driven, passive-income business like this up and running?

This is the dream, isn't it? 

Full-time money with part-time work!

Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like With a Business Like Gloria's

You could go on great vacations
You could pay off debt
You'll be able to pay for your kids' college
You could buy that new car you've been eyeing
You could give to your favorite charity
You could even save money and work on that early retirement

The best part is this takes no previous skills on your part to set up a newsletter business like Gloria's, and running this business takes no more than a few hours a week. 

Are you ready to get going? If so, listen up! 

Introducing Our New ChatGPT Newsletter Profits Training!

ChatGPT Newsletter Profits is a complete training course that shows you how to easily create a business, selling custom newsletters to local businesses and social media clients. 

You’ll learn everything you need to know to get this business up and running, fast, including how to leverage ChatGPT to create unique newsletters for clients, how to sell your newsletter service, and how to find leads. 

With ChatGPT Newsletter Profits, you can create an autopilot newsletter service that will pay month after month, year after year.

Just 3-Steps to Profits

Get Clients: Use Gloria’s proven prospecting methods to land clients easily

Create the Newsletters: Use free (or very inexpensive) AI software like ChatGPT (our favorite) to create the newsletters for you

Get Paid: Sign up your new clients for monthly, recurring billing

Like I Said...Just 3 Easy Steps!

You’re so close to having that business of your dreams up and running and ringing in profits. Get our new training, go through the course, and start implementing today!

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Purchase, Today!

Gloria’s brand new “nothing left out” course that teaches you the entire ChatGPT Newsletter Profits system
Complete training on how to get ChatGPT to quickly and easily write newsletters for your clients
Gloria's proven system on selling your new newsletter service to local businesses
Gloria’s proven sales materials, including all the tracking spreadsheets she uses
All the templates and spreadsheets you need to get a profitable business up and running FAST!
We even give you 1,000 fresh, never before used leads to get you up and running fast--You can get 6k more with the BUMP offer!
Access to our brand-new AI marketing Facebook group
Our never-before-released Newsletter Agency training
Our brand-new training on how to sell a newsletter service through Fiverr, Upwork, and other platforms

We Have Left No Stone Unturned!

If you can look at Gloria’s training videos and take a few hours of your time, you can have a real business up and running. You can do this by the end of the day, if you hustle. Certainly by next weekend.

Buy Today And Get Over $1200 In Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus #1
1,000 "Virgin" Leads! (A $197 Value!)

If you purchase today, you get 1,000 never before used leads. All are in hot markets, pre-vetted, cleaned, and ready to use! 

Contact them using our system and start making sales, today! 

Bonus #2
Access To Our New Facebook AI Marketing Group (A $564/Year Value)

Buy today and get access to our elite Facebook group full of take-charge, like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself. Get the support and inspiration you need to build your newsletter business!

Bonus #3
How To Turn Your Newsletter Business into a Full-Blown Agency! (A $297 Value!)

In the replay of our new Newsletter Agency training webinar, you’ll learn how to take the ChatGPT Newsletter Profits system and turn it into a full-blown newsletter and content marketing agency!

Bonus #4
 How to Get Newsletter Clients on Upwork and Fiverr (A $297 Value!)

Learn how to get clients on Fiverr and Upwork for your new newsletter agency business. This is webinar-based instruction. (This really is the easy way to do things!)

Buy today, and you get over $1200 worth of bonuses that will help you build the business of your dreams, faster and easier than you ever thought possible, even if you've never made one penny online!

Want to 2x, 3x, or Even 10x Your Results? 

How about we throw in 6,000 brand new vetted leads for FREE if you purchase today! These are all businesses who need your help! Email these leads and watch your business build itself!

Let's List Everything You Get!

Gloria’s brand new “nothing left out” course that teaches you the entire ChatGPT Newsletter Profits system
Complete training on how to get ChatGPT to quickly and easily write newsletters for your clients
Gloria's proven system on selling your new newsletter service to local businesses
Gloria’s proven sales materials, including all the tracking spreadsheets she uses
All the templates and spreadsheets you need to get a profitable business up and running FAST!
We even give you 1,000 fresh, never before used leads to get you up and running fast--You can get 6k more with the BUMP offer!
Access to our brand-new AI marketing Facebook group
Our never-before-released Newsletter Agency training
Our brand-new training on how to sell a newsletter service through Fiverr, Upwork, and other platforms

And, if you purchase right now, we'l throw in 6,000 more vetted hot leads! This is a $497 value for less than $10! 

On Sale Today for Only...

Still not sure? Check out our FAQ!

What is ChatGPT Newsletter Profits?

ChatGPT Newsletter Profits is a complete training course that shows you how to easily create custom newsletters for local business and social media clients and sell them as a monthly service. You’ll learn everything you need to know to get this business up and running fast, including leveraging ChatGPT to create unique newsletters for clients, sell your newsletter service, and find leads. With ChatGPT Newsletter Profits, you can create an autopilot newsletter service that will pay you month after month, year after year.

What does Gloria sell using her proven system?

Gloria sells a newsletter service to local businesses and social media clients. AI does all the work.

Why don’t businesses just do this themselves?

Even though this is a simple business, there’s still a lot to know. Businesses don’t have time or the ability to figure this out for themselves. 

I’m really new. Can I do this?

Our training is complete, and this method is easy. This is the perfect business for a newbie to get up and running fast!

Do I need a website? 

You don't have to have one to get started, but we do sell a DFY website as one of the upsells. (We'll even install it for you!)

Is this just for the US?

Absolutely not! You can do this worldwide. 

What skills do I need?

You need nothing but a willingness to work! 

Are there any otos?

Just one: ChatGPT Infinite Leads. In this course, you learn how to use AI to scrape leads from social media.

     Gloria and I are super excited about helping you build your dream business, today! Once you purchase, our members’ area will send you a login email. Just follow the simple instructions and log in. If you have any problems at all, we have excellent customer service! Use the support link, which is in the members’ area and also on WarriorPlus receipt. 

This is a sale item. All sales are final!


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