Category Archives: Email Marketing

Email Marketing


Email marketing is the foundation of all marketing online! Doesn’t matter if you’re a product creator, affiliate marketer, business consultant…(I’m all three)…email marketing is without doubt the core of your business and your clients businesses! 
There’s a few problems with email marketing, though. One is inboxing. It’s getting harder and hard to get your email into the recipient’s inbox. Another problem is importing lists. Companies like Aweber, GetResponse, Mail Chimp and others are getting more, not less, restrictive about importing emails. Finally, there’s cost! As your business grows, if you’re paying monthly, your expenses will grow too!
Fortunately, there’s a solution to all these problems, and it’s Brett Rutecky and Mike Thomas’ new software, My MailIt. My MailIt has great inboxing. It’s massively cheaper than it’s competitors. (If you get it during the launch period, you’ll only pay an inexpensive, one-time fee. And, you can import all your emails into it without hassle! I got access to My MailIt and I LOVE IT!
To learn more just click the “Next Step” button below and read all about My MailIt Today! 

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