“I was amazed when I saw Lee and Gloria’s new Beach Money system! It’s super-easy to do and takes only a couple hours per week. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You’ve changed my life!”

Gloria's Copy-And-Paste-Simple Beach Money System Shows You How She Leverages Fiverr and Artificial Intelligence to Create a Massive, Virtually Passive Money Machine That Runs 24/7/365!

Watch This Short Video!

Zero Skills Required! Zero Out of Pocket! Perfect for Newbies!

From the desk of Lee Cole

Welcome to Beach Money!

What does Beach Money mean to you? 

The dream vacation? Sending your kids to a good college? Paying off debt? Buying your dream home? 

Or...just the feeling you get when you know you have money coming in every month on virtual autopilot?

Whatever it means to you, Beach Money is real. It's attainable!

I want to show you an amazing, new Beach Money system created by my good friend and serial online entrepreneur powerhouse, Gloria Gunn. 

Gloria has created what other people only dream of. A super-easy, zero-skills-required system that has created a predictable income both for her and others. 

Gloria's Beach Money System Is Amazingly Easy!

NO Cold Calling
NO Website
NO Paid Traffic
NO Mass Emailing
NO Direct Mail
NO Face-to-Face Selling
NO Previous Skills Required!

You Can Do Beach Money From Anywhere In Just a Couple Hours Per Week!

How would you like to have a virtually autopilot business where you never have to speak with anyone, ever? You never have to do any prospecting or selling. Where easy-to-use, super-inexpensive AI software does ALL the work for you? If so, you're in luck! 

Gloria's new Beach Money System is copy-and-paste-simple. It requires zero experience and no cash outlay. 

Once you start making money, you can hire inexpensive VAs to do all the work for you. (They do the work; you collect the cash!)

Beach Money is super easy to scale. 

With this system, the sky is the limit!

Beach Money Is The System You've Been Searching For!

If you’re like me, Gloria, and everyone else, you’ve been searching for Beach Money your whole life. 

Why did you get interested in Internet Marketing in the first place?

Probably because you were looking for more money, security, and an easier life…probably because you were looking for Beach Money!

Beach Money is the lifestyle of having money AND the time to enjoy it.

Beach Money is being able to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.

Beach Money is real, and it can be yours today.

How would you like to know how to build a true Beach Money business that will pay you 24/7/365 while you’re out enjoying your life doing the things you’ve only ever dreamed of?

If You’re Ready to Learn How to Build Your Own Beach Money Business and Lifestyle, Continue Reading!

Gloria Has Cracked the Beach Money Code AND She’s Willing to Train You In How to Start and Build Your Own Beach Money Business!

Beach Money is our new training that shows you how to set up a super-easy-to-run Fiverr business selling AI-written product descriptions to e-commerce and online retail companies. This is the perfect, newbie-friendly business that anyone can start and run in only a couple of hours a week. Using Gloria's new training, you can do this business from anywhere in the world!

Let's Break This Whole Thing Apart and Get Into Some Details!

Gloria uses super-inexpensive AI software to write product descriptions for online retail (e-comm)  businesses. It takes her all of two minutes to crank out up to ten unique descriptions for a product. (Buyers normally buy ten or more descriptions of the same product so they can split test them.) She charges $5 for each description, which is $50 for a bundle of ten descriptions of the same product. 

Watch This Two-Minute Video and See How Quick and Easy It Is to Create Multiple Product Descriptions!

(No Out of Pocket Costs!)

Gloria Exploits Fiverr Using Her Proven Fiverr "Hack" To Get Clients!

Gloriae's tried a lot of platforms, Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, and more. 

Fiverr is by far the best, because it's passive. 

Gloria uses her Fiverr Hack Method to get tons of traffic to her gigs almost immediately. This makes Fiverr's ranking algorithm show her gigs to more people and rank them higher than her competitors. 

Gloria's Fiverr Hack allows her to massively shorten the amount of time it takes to create a wildly profitable gig!

All Kinds of People Are Making Tons of Money On Fiverr!

Thousands of people are KILLING IT on Fiverr!

With our new Beach Money training, you'll learn how to create and rank very profitable gigs. We show you exactly what to sell. AI does all the work for you. 

No skills required on your part. Just a willingness to follow our training. 

We've made this whole thing copy-and-paste-easy. Just fill in our templates and upload. You'll be able to create sales-optimized gigs in just a few minutes. 

You can be up and running by as soon as tomorrow!

Even Though It's Easy to Make Real Money on Fiverr, Most People Do It Wrong and Fail!

Most people who try to make money on Fiverr, do it wrong. 

As a result, they fail to get many, or often, any, clients!

People fail because they don't set up their gigs right, and also because they don't know how to get traffic to their gigs. 

In Gloria's new training, Beach Money, we've templatized everything you need to do to be successful.

All you need to do is fill in a few blanks, run your new gig description through the AI software (so that it's unique), and create your gig

Once you do that, you can use Gloria's proven Fiverr Exploit, the "secret sauce,"  to get your gig seen by tons of the right buyers!

Our new, Beach Money system is indeed copy-and-paste-simple!

The "Secret Sauce," Gloria's Proven Fiverr Exploit!

Gloria has a secret. It's her "secret sauce."

It's a way of leveraging LinkedIn and email marketing to influence Fiverr's algorithms so that her gigs get to the top of the search results, fast. 

More people see her gigs, and she makes money, fast!

You'll learn this amazing new hack in our Beach Money training! AND we give you 6,000 vetted, "virgin" emails to use for this hack. These emails are fresh and straight from Gloria's own business! 

Why Does Gloria Focus on Selling E-Comm Product Descriptions?

The online retail (e-commerce) business is a multi-billion dollar global powerhouse. 

There are over nine million online retail businesses world-wide, and two and a half million in the US alone. 

This business is also super-competitive! 

One of the main ways online retailers try to get an edge is by constantly trying to up their website's conversion rates. 

How Online Retail Businesses Get an Edge Over the Competition...And Why They Need You!

Online retailers track two types of consumer behavior, pre-click and post-click. 

Pre-click behavior has to do with traffic. 

Post-click behavior has to do with getting people to actually buy when they land on the business's website.

Here's Where You Come In!

The Main Way Retailers Increase Their Conversion Rates Is By Continuously Split Testing New Product Descriptions!

Where Do They Get The Product Descriptions? From Vendors Like Gloria...Or You!

One of the biggest copywriting niches is in writing product descriptions. 

Most people who write these are trained writers. 

You're probably not. Don't worry, Gloria isn't either!

Using her AI-software, Gloria can write great product descriptions in a fraction of the time it takes a human to do it. 

She sells bundles of AI-written descriptions for $50 each. 

Because she uses software, writing ten descriptions for a product only takes her a fraction of the time it would for someone doing this manually. 

If You Missed It Up Above, Watch Gloria Create Multiple Product Descriptions Using AI Software In Less Than 2 Minutes!

Can You Copy and Paste?

If you can copy and paste, you have the skills to build a business like Gloria's, FAST!

We've templatized everything. All you need to do is enter your info and then copy and paste this where we tell you into Fiverr. 

Gloria covers how to do this in great detail in her video-based course, which you get when you purchase Beach Money today. 

Once you start making sales, you'll use the inexpensive AI software we recommend to write your product descriptions. (You never come out of pocket!)

Running a business like this only takes a couple hours a week. 

Do you have a couple hours a week to create your dream lifestyle business?

Get Beach Money, today, and start building the business of your dreams! 

We Give You Everything You Need!

Gloria’s complete, video-based, training
DFY gig description and About section templates (just fill in the blanks and copy and paste)
Three-tiered pricing templates, covering Basic, Standard, and Premium pricing, including everything that comes with each tier. (Use as is, or tweak, then copy and paste)
FAQ section (copy and paste)
Fiverr gig set up and promotion guide
Product description spec cheat sheet for all popular e-comm platforms, Shopify, Woo Commerce, and Amazon, etc.
6k DFY, vetted leads to use with Gloria’s “Secret Sauce” technique. This will get your gig seen, FAST, and influence the rankings in Fiverr’s algorithm.
Email sequence to drive traffic to gigs. Just copy and paste. Comes with complete instructions.
A variety of sample product descriptions to show interested buyers

Three Simple Steps

Use our copy-and-paste templates to set everything up

Use Gloria's "Secret Sauce" Fiverr Exploit Hack to make your gigs seen by the right buyers

Take and fulfill orders


Are You Ready for Beach Money!

Are you ready to build the business you've always dreamed of?

Are you ready for that easy-living, Beach Money, lifestyle?

If so, then good news!...

Gloria and I should be charging a lot of money for our training and DFY templates, but we're not...

Today, you can get all of Gloria's amazing training, including her copy-and-paste templates and "secret sauce" emails, for only...

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Purchase, Beach Money, Today!

If you get our new, Beach Money, training and DFY resources, today, you get everything you need to build a real business, just like Gloria's, selling product descriptions to e-commerce businesses through Fiverr. 

Fiverr is by far the best platform we've found to do this on. It's passive. And, by using Gloria's "secret sauce" Fiverr Exploit, your gig will be seen by the right buyers, FAST!

We give you everything you need, including complete, video-based training. We've templatized everything for you. 

Gig description and About page?--Yep, we've got templates for that!

Email sequence to use with Gloria's secret sauce method?--Yep, we've got templates for that, too!

We even provide you with DFY (done-for-you) pre-written product descriptions in multiple hot niches you can use as examples of your work. 

Gloria's training shows you everything! How to use the right (inexpensive) AI writing software. How to set up your gigs. How to use her "secret sauce" technique to get eyeballs on your gig, FAST!

Everything you need is here. All you have to do is go through our easy course and then copy and paste your way to a wildly successful business!

Want to 2x, 3x, or Even 10x Your Results? 

Gloria uses a proven method of email marketing to legally hack Fiverr's algorithm. This is her "secret sauce." 

We're already including 1,000 "virgin" emails for you to get started with. 

If you purchase today, we're going to throw in 5,000 more "virgin" leads! 

Use these 6,000 emails with Gloria's Fiverr hack, and you're going to rocket to the top of Fiverr's search results. You'll bypass the competition, even though you're brand new, and start getting orders sooner rather than later! 

Let’s list everything you get

Gloria’s complete, video-based, Beach Money training
DFY Fiverr Gig description and About section templates (just fill in the blanks and copy and paste)
DFY three-tiered pricing templates, covering Basic, Standard, and Premium pricing, including everything that comes with each tier. (Use as is, or tweak, then copy and paste)
DFY FAQ section (copy and paste)
Fiverr gig set up and promotion guide
Product description spec cheat sheet for all popular e-comm platforms, Shopify, Woo Commerce, and Amazon, etc
6k DFY, vetted leads to use with Gloria’s “Secret Sauce” technique. This will get your gig seen, FAST, and influence the rankings in Fiverr’s algorithm. 
Email sequence to drive traffic to gigs. Just copy and paste. Comes with complete instructions. 
A variety of DFY sample product descriptions to show interested buyers

Everything Is On Sale Today for Only...

Still not sure? Check out our FAQ!

What is Beach Money?

Beach Money is our new training that shows you how to set up a super-easy-to-run Fiverr business selling AI-written product descriptions to e-commerce and online retail companies. This is the perfect, newbie-friendly business that anyone can start and run in only a couple of hours a week. Using Gloria's new training, you can do this business from anywhere in the world!

What does Gloria sell using her proven system?

Gloria sells product descriptions to online retail (e-commerce) businesses. There are over 9 million of these worldwide, 2.5 million in the US. Split testing product descriptions is the main way these businesses increase their conversion rate on their websites. These businesses need your help and they’re very willing to pay for it!

Why do businesses need so many product descriptions?

Online retail businesses split test product descriptions in order to up the conversion rate on their product sales pages. This is the main way they seek to make themselves more profitable. They are constantly trying out new product descriptions to see which ones work best!

Can’t businesses write their own product descriptions?

Sure, they can also fix their own AC, change the oil in their cars, and do their own taxes. Obviously, I’m being silly with that answer. Real businesses don’t do everything themselves, they find service providers (like you) to buy from. 

I’m really new, can I do this?

Being new is actually a good thing. Just follow the training, and you should be fine!

Do I need a website or anything else?

No website, no social media pages, nothing like that. Gloria’s training assumes you start from zero!

Is this just for the US?

Not at all! There are over 9 million online retailers worldwide.

I hate writing! Can I still use the AI software?

That’s the beauty of using AI. The software does all that work for you, better than you can do it, too!

What if my native language isn’t English?

As long as you have some fluency, you’ll be fine. 

What skills do I need?

None, other than a willingness to go through our training, copy and paste our templates, and work a few hours a week. 

Are there any otos?

Just one. OTO 1 is how to hire and train a VA and offload your entire business to them. (That’s Beach Money!)

     Gloria and I are super excited about helping you build your dream business, today! Once you purchase, our members’ area will send you a login email. Just follow the simple instructions and log in. If you have any problems at all, we have excellent customer service! Use the support link, which is in the members’ area and also on WarriorPlus receipt. 

This is a sale item. All sales are final!


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