If You Can Copy and Paste Our Proven Email Template and Send Out Just 10 Emails a Day Using a FREE Gmail Account, You Can Build a Passive Income Business, FAST! 

Watch this short video interview first!

This is a brand new, no cold calling, no mass emailing, no fancy software to learn, low skills system! It's perfect for newbies and experienced marketers alike. 

Best of all...AI does ALL the work for you! 

From the desk of Lee Cole!

My friend, the AI Revolution is here!

You can build a passive, monthly income using free and/or very inexpensive off-the-shelf AI (artificial intelligence). 

You can do this in only a few hours a week.

You can create an amazingly profitable, job-replacement business or side hustle in a very short amount of time.

How do I know you can do this? 

One of my good friends and best business colleagues, Gloria Gunn, recently showed me how she built a massive monthly income quickly using either FREE or very inexpensive AI to do all the fulfillment work. 

She sends out just 10 emails a day. 

She then lets her "battle-tested" PowerPoint presentation do all the selling for her.'s the beautiful part!, free or inexpensive AI (artificial intelligence) does ALL the fulfillment, which for her business is written content of various types!

Before I tell you all about how this works, let me introduce you to Gloria!

Meet Gloria Gunn

My good friend, and long-time business associate, Gloria Gunn is a proven serial entrepreneur. After having built three businesses focused on social media marketing, SEO, and marketing software, Gloria jumped into artificial intelligence (AI) and quickly created yet another multi-six-figure income stream. 

Her business sells high-end content to CEO and C-Suite level clients. 

She writes none of the content herself.

Her entire business is completely powered by off-the-shelf, free or inexpensive, easily available AI platforms. 

Gloria makes thousands of dollars per month per client for content that is written by free and inexpensive AI writers!

Gloria's Business Is As Simple As It Gets!

Gloria’s business is super simple. She sells written content to local and online businesses. This content brands the business, impresses their potential customers and clients, and leads to them getting more business. Gloria works with all kinds of businesses. Everything from law firms to eCommerce businesses to fancy blockchain-powered distributed finance businesses. What’s cool is Gloria is not an expert on any of these topics, yet her content reads as though she were. How does she do that?

Artificial intelligence does it all for her! 

My Friend, This Is a 3-Step Business!

Send out 10 emails a day using a FREE Gmail account and Gloria’s proven template

Let Gloria’s battle-tested PowerPoint sales presentation do ALL the selling for you

Close the sale and then use off-the-shelf (free or inexpensive) AI to do all the fulfillment work

Question: If Gloria showed you how to work her simple system, do you think you could finally build that business you've always dreamed about?

If your answer is "yes," then keep reading!

(If you answered no, then please go immediately to the nearest emergency room and have them check to see if you're still alive! lol)

Are you ready to build the business you've always wanted? If so, you're in luck!

Welcome to our new, never before taught system, AI Automatic Profit$...! This is Gloria's definitive training on how to create a real income using easy-to-use, off-the-shelf AI!

AI (artificial intelligence) does all the get all the profits!

Our new training product is the ultimate, low-skill, high-profit, passive income system! We use a simple, proven cold email technique to get clients. All of the fulfillment is done with off-the-shelf artificial intelligent software, which is either free or amazingly inexpensive. (You never come out of pocket and have to pay for anything upfront before you get a client, anyway!)

Entirely email driven--just takes a free Gmail account!
System focuses only on "most likely to buy", high-value target businesses
Requires no paid emailing software . No mass email experience, software, or expertise
Gloria gets paid anywhere from $1k to $10k per month per client. (See proof below!)
Completely powered by easy-to-use AI
AI, template-driven system...proven to work! 
Takes only a few hours a week to build a sizeable business
Takes only minutes a day to run and manage
Requires no employees, VAs, or contractors...completely AI-driven
This is the perfect "laptop lifestyle" business. Perfect for digital entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and side-hustle entrepreneurs
This system is completely new and has never, ever before been taught to anyone! 

You get everything you need to start building a real business, just like Gloria's, FAST!

Gloria's new video-based course teaches you everything you need to know to build an AI-based business selling high-end content. You learn everything from how to find clients to how to use free and inexpensive AI to fulfill your sales

In addition, you get all the templates, brochures, cheat sheets, and presentations that Gloria uses today in her own business

And, you get over $500 of bonuses that will make building your new business quick and easy--see below to see all the money-making, profit-spewing bonuses that will be yours when you purchase AI Automatic Profit$, today

Buy today, and get these amazing, bonuses...they'll make building your business a breeze!

1000 new, never before mailed prospecting emails--mail these using Gloria's system and start landing clients, NOW!
Gloria's proven prospecting sheet and system--it does the follow-up for you! 
The exact PowerPoint that Gloria uses as a sales presentation--no skills needed, just let the PowerPoint do the "heavy lifting"
Real-time onboarding training with Lee and Gloria--this is where Gloria takes her new clients and turns $2k a month clients into $10k a month clients, and more!
Real-time sales, presentation, and follow-up training with Lee and Gloria--Learn the exact words to say in all possible sales situations!

Extra Featured Bonus!...New Training...Gloria's "Land and Expand" Strategy!

Gloria’s “Land and Expand” strategy lets her make up to 5x more money from at least a third of her clients. She routinely takes $2k per month clients and turns them into $10k per month clients. How many $10k per month clients would you need to live your dream lifestyle? 2? 3? 5? 

AI Automatic Profit$ Is An Amazingly Simple and Easy Business System Anyone Can Do In Their Spare Time!

No previous skills required
No cold calling
No need to spend thousands of dollars trying out different AI platforms (most of which don't work)
No need to buy crappy software that's not supported
No need to chase after every shiny object that comes through your inbox--only to be disappointed yet again
No need to hire VAs, freelancers, or outsourcers

This is a super simple business that can be done from anywhere. You can build your business working part-time, just a few hours a week!

All you need to do to get started is go through our A-Z training and start implementing Gloria’s AI-powered system.

Gloria’s proven email templates and mailing strategy will build your client base for you. AI does the rest of the heavy lifting.

You can build your new business from any country in the world working only part-time!

We should be selling this for at least $997, but we're you can get everything for a small, one-time payment of only...

Let’s list everything you get

Gloria’s new course—18 modules. You learn her whole system, everything from getting clients using her proven, email templates to using AI to fulfill those clients. 

Gloria’s own pricing sheet, one-sheet sales brochure, social posting cheat sheet, all her onboarding questions, and her proven PowerPoint sales presentation

In addition…you get these amazing bonuses…1,000 “virgin” emails ready for you to plug into Gloria’s amazing system, her own prospect tracking sheet (does the follow-up for you!), and sales and onboarding roleplay training with Gloria and Lee. (This will be delivered via webinar.)

And, you get Gloria's "Land and Expand" training where you'll learn how to 5x your income from every client you get
Oh…and since this is a true "Special Offer" we're going to throw in another 5k emails to get you started. With this, you can't fail! 

You get everything for only...

Still not sure? Check out our FAQ!

What is AI Automatic Profit$?

Our new training product is the ultimate, low-skill, high-profit, passive income system! We use a simple, proven cold email technique to get clients. All of the fulfillment is done with off-the-shelf artificial intelligent software, which is either free or amazingly inexpensive.

What exactly are you selling businesses?

High-level, written content. Our new course is about selling what’s called “anchor” content to businesses. This is the kind of content that people read, like, and refer to over time. It also brands the business/entrepreneur as a leader in their field. What’s so cool is that AI can now write at this level, when you’ve got the right AI and you know how to use it. 

Why do businesses need content?

Branding, positioning in the marketplace, ranking in Google, and for making a strong connection with their target audience. 

I'm really new, can I do this?

If you go through the course, you should have no problem. 

Do I need a website or anything else?

Nothing else is needed other than a free Gmail account. 

Is this just for the US?

Not at all! This works fine anywhere in the world. You can live anywhere and have clients anywhere.

How do you post the content and do you teach us how to do that?

We use software, and yes, we go over all of that in detail. 

How long should it take me to see real money?

This is the unanswerable question. As I said above, a lot of people buy products and never even go through the training. 

What skills do I need?

Just the ability to go through the training and follow very basic instructions. 

Is this guaranteed?

Seven days from the date of purchase. No questions asked. Total money back. 

Are there any otos? 

Yes, there is one. It's called Automatic Profits Upgrade. And it shows you how to take what you’ve learned and expand into offering businesses a broader range of AI-written products and content. 

Gloria and I are super excited about helping you finally build that business of your dreams! Upon purchase, you'll be sent an email from our secure members' platform. Open that email, log in, and let's get to work! 

This is a sale item. All sales are final!


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