“Local List Builder Evolution!



Tuesday, June 2nd
8 AM Pacific Time
11 AM Eastern Time

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  • 1

    The Easiest Way to Build a Six-Figure Passive Income in Today's Market

    Things have changed not only because of the pandemic but also because of larger market changes that were in play before the pandemic. A lot of what was working last year, or even six months ago, isn't working anymore. How would you like to learn a complete system to get more leads for your local marketing business than you'll be able to deal with? Not only that, but this system is also new, unique, and you can easily replicate it in a day or less! Get on this webinar with us and Mike will pull back the curtains on his new lead generation strategy that's blowing away all competition!

  • 2

    How to Legally "Steal" Leads Directly from Facebook

    There's a secret the "gurus" don't want you to know about. What is it? Well...Facebook already knows who's interested in whatever it is your selling. Are you selling mortgage leads to mortgage brokers? Facebook already knows who's in the market for a house in local areas and who is looking for mortgage loans. How about insurance? Yep, Facebook already knows who's interested in purchasing insurance in any local market. So, if you want to sell leads to mortgage brokers or insurance agents, all you have to understand is how to "steal" these leads from Facebook. Turns out, this is super easy (and ethical) to do when you do it Mike's way!

  • 3

    How to Sell Those "Stolen" Leads to Businesses for Big Bucks

    Mike Paul has been making a damn fine living for quite a few years now selling leads to businesses like mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and insurance agents. In our new webinar, Mike's going to show you exactly how you can sell leads to businesses and salespeople like these for very big bucks! Once you learn how to "steal" leads from Facebook and turn around and sell them for large amounts of money...well, it's like you own your own printing press! You're going to learn all of this and more on our webinar.

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    My Most Lead Gen Systems Fail and How Yours Can Succeed Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

    So, this all sounds very exciting, doesn't it? But here's the deal. There are quite a few lead generation "systems" out there, and well-meaning people just like you try them, and guess what? They fail. Why? Because usually, you're using a system that's out of date. What Mike is teaching you on this webinar is completely current. It's how he's running his business today! Not only that, but Mike's lead generation and selling system is so easy to do a complete newbie can create a six-figure income doing this in no time! So, register for the webinar and prepare to be amazed!

Lee Cole

Mike Paul

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WARNING:  We only have 100 spots on our webinar system available and space will fill up fast so register now to avoid missing out.  This webinar is packed with high quality content and will fill up fast!

This one will be no exception. So claim your spot below!

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